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Showing posts from December, 2016

Efficient Medium of Digital Marketing

Promotion of Products or Brands on various forms of electronic media which differs from traditional marketing is Digital Marketing!! A small word that holds a lot in it. Marketing services with Internet Access use digital services such as mobile phones, display advertising and many other medium whereas non- internet access includes SMS, MMS & Call Back Services, Now a days most brands uses Digital devices instead of going to shops. Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet. - Source wiki The Services such as E-Marketing, Social media Marketing, E-Book Advertisement etc, makes people more comfortable that they can buy the products from the place where they are. Online Marketing also comprises with SEO Content and Affiliate Marketing on Blogs for promoting the Product / Brand. We people are fond of many new products and attractive things that we use in our day to day life. S...

Automating Agriculture Challenges using IoT and Drones

Now where we are?... We have inadvertenly become advanced and so focused on our own building  technology that we have forgotten the foundations that holds it up. And all we are concealed to natural system that will enhance which moulds our practise towards the nature. Agriculture Agriculture is the cultivation and breeding of animals, plants and fungi for food, fiber, biofuel, medicinal plants and other products used to sustain Almost, human influence strategies and tactics are credited in all the fields to bring out the advancement. The people are acknowledged with strange activities are hanged and changing the world which has impelled our visualizations. So start Highlighting on agriculture…. This is an article that enlighten the scope of agriculture. Agriculture plays vital role in the development of agricultural country. One third of the nation’s capital comes from farming and also 70% of population depends upon farming. The cascaded traditional ...